What is vehicle tracking?

Yamme Vehicle GPS Tracking is a management system that uses GPS tracking to keep track of what vehicles and other assets in a fleet are doing (e.g., workers, equipment). People often call it “vehicle tracking or fleet tracking.” Usually, a fleet is a group of land-based assets like cars, trucks, field workers, and powered or non-powered equipment (e.g., trailers).

GPS fleet tracking uses telematics technology to get information from fleet vehicles and assets. Using a GPS tracking device attached to a vehicle’s OBD port, this data is usually collected in near real time. This makes it more useful for fleet managers and business owners, who can use the data to make strategic decisions about operations.

Benefits of vehicle tracking

There are countless benefits of vehicle tracking that could be used by fleet managers, those benefits can include but not limited to:

  • Increase fleet visibility with fleet tracking
  • Get more done with fewer resources
  • See the status and activity of all your fleet vehicles
  • Analyze your fleet’s performance over time
  • Promote safety with driver tracking
  • Monitor driver behaviors to promote safety
  • Access more data on your vehicles, workers and assets
  • Capture metrics for forecasting, work planning, and route sequencing

How video telematics can improve driver safety

Driver behavior can be used to improve driver safety as well as route planning. For example, if a driver consistently stays below the speed limit, you’ll be able to identify a “safe” driver. On the other hand, if a driver frequently breaks the speed limit, you’ll be able to see this and take appropriate action. Driver behavior can also be used to identify dangerous routes. For example, if a driver consistently breaks the speed limit, you’ll be able to identify a route that is dangerous. You can then take appropriate action to mitigate the danger.

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